Sunday, September 18, 2011


Have you ever approached a project or an invitation with enormous ambivalence? Not anticipating a comfortable time?  This is how I approached my all day shoot today at Mission Espada in San Antonio.  I was delighted when James Pinedo invited me to audition for his thesis project AN AMERICAN MISSION.  He wrote the screenplay about an event in a family that is close knit.  Like James'  real life family who joined us on the set, fed us, offered children to act and help direct and a father who helps with props.  James' Mom and aunt offered me great conversation, women talk and support when I wasn't on set.  Every character  is warm and nice and loving in this film.  Except for me, the Mrs. Milan character.  She is a bigot, who treats Abel, the father with absolute disrespect, disregard and disdain.  All of this in front of his children!!  So here I am.  A Jewish Brooklyn accented woman  loudly berating Abel  played by Mario Ramirez at a beautiful mission where tourists are visiting and brothers are tending to their tasks. And all that I received today, all day long,  was everyone's positive feedback, favorable comments, warmth, respect and affection.  James shot the scene (3 minutes long)12 times!!!!  You heard me right..12 times!!!!  And always thanked me for my energy and performance.  Even when I walked into a hanging flower pot and bunked my head!  (Think America's funniest blooper).

The best coda to a really fine day  was being driven home by TaNeil, one of the most unusual and beautiful young women I have ever met.  Ta neil drove me home for an hour through the scariest electrical thunder and lightening storm I have ever experienced.  For one hour!  I was so happy she is a super Christian religious person because I was praying to every god imaginable to get me home to Abe safely.  I have never been so afraid.  TaNeil assured me she is from Colorado and is accustomed to extreme weather.  This extraordinary young woman lives in a RV in a trailer park, drives to school each day, makes films, practices her faith and wears it publicly and well.  She asks to see photos of my kids, comes into my home, looks at photos of my kids, Liz's photo blog and SOW photos.  Sits on my terrace, tells me about her missions to Africa, travels, her life experiences and leaves me feeling like I had one of the best days in my life.  Thank-you James.  Thank-you TaNeil.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like such a beautiful experience that it made me cry.

    Another WOW moment!

