Saturday, January 11, 2014


I attended an unusual audition some time ago at UT.  I signed a waiver informing me my audition would be taped.  And then I auditioned for a theater performance written by a 16 y.o. And present at my audition was a bunch of teenagers while an award winning documentary filmmaker was far away filming the entire event.  I came prepared for the part of the grandmother but the playwright/director asked me to read for the mother...his mother.  He told me to throw away the script and say the lines as I remembered.  How refreshing!
I loved the audition, was busy with other projects and figured I'd show up in the doc as an actor auditioning.  But that was not the case.  Weeks later I was cast by Arvind Hathaway to play the role of Susan, his mother, in his play MOMMY.  Little did I know how extraordinary this project would become.  Evan Roberts is a wonderfully warm, talented and intelligent filmmaker.  He cares deeply about the issues and conflicts young people face. He just helps people become.  That's the best way I can put it.  And Arvind???  When you can get over the challenges of his adolescence he is one creative, intelligent and sensitive director.  I just love love love working on this project.  It has allowed me to explore the human condition broadly, empathetically, deeply.  It has changed me.  How grateful I am.

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